Last Updated: February 19, 2023, 09:15 IST
The high fiber content in carrots helps one to get rid of constipation.
If you’re one who often falls prey to digestive issues, here we have recommended a few vegetables that you can eat to solve the problem.
When decoding a balanced diet, people often catch up with counting calories and the intake of fat, proteins, and carbs. However, there’s one nutrient that often gets overlooked when trying to eat well: dietary fiber. According to a report by Medical News Today, fiber intake can significantly help in altering a person’s gut microbiome. From getting rid of digestive problems to solving intestinal issues, dietary fiber can work wonders when it comes to improving gut health. If you’re one who often falls prey to digestive issues, here we have recommended a few vegetables that you can eat to solve the problem.
Broccoli is a part of the cabbage family that provides vitamins, antioxidants, fibers, and minerals to the body. Consuming the vegetable prevents the development of multiple health conditions and its dietary fiber can help maintain a healthy digestive tract by preventing constipation.
Leafy vegetables
Leafy vegetables from spinach to kale are said to be rich sources of fiber along with having nutrients like vitamins A, K, and C. They seemingly contain a type of sugar that’s deemed necessary for the growth of healthy gut bacteria. Leafy veggies allow one to develop an ideal gut microbiome to make digestion a smooth process.
Asparagus seemingly has high insoluble fiber that supports regular bowel movements. It only contains a small amount of soluble fiber, which is said to be dissolvable in water to form a gel-like substance in the digestive tract. Making Asparagus a part of your diet is a good way to infuse fiber in your body and to keep your digestive system healthy.
The high fiber content in carrots helps one to get rid of constipation. When one is facing trouble making bowel movements, munching raw carrots can help ease the problem by making it regular. In addition to this, carrots also help in strengthening bones, boosting the immune system, and eye problems.
Beetroots are a good source of fiber which is beneficial for digestive health. It not only promotes the smooth functioning of the digestive tract but also tends to reduce the risk of health conditions by preventing constipation.
Bitter gourd
Bitter gourd tastes bitter but they are a rich source of Vitamin C and fibers that can fight diseases and have healing properties that are crucial for growth and development. Its consumption improves gut health and several intestinal problems including irritable bowels and constipation.
Brussel sprouts
Including Brussels sprouts in a balanced diet with whole grains and fruits can have a positive impact on overall health. They are said to be rich in fiber, minerals, antioxidants, and vitamins that elevate the nutrition of the diet. It tends to relieve constipation by increasing stool frequency and also soften them for easy passage.
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