HomeLife Style5 people confess what it is like to be the breadwinner in...

5 people confess what it is like to be the breadwinner in the family – Times of India

Being the sole breadwinnerof the family is a responsibility at its best. Everyone in the family looks up to you for advice, support and reliability. You are always there at every point for your family. Being the only one to financially support your entire family can also be a tough burden to carry. We have 5 people who confess what it’s like to be the sole breadwinner of your family.
There’s a lot of responsibility
“As the sole breadwinner, I feel a tremendous sense of responsibility. I work long hours and constantly strive to provide for my family’s financial needs. While it can be challenging at times, seeing the relief on my loved ones’ faces and knowing that I am contributing to their well-being brings me a sense of fulfilment and purpose.”
Radhika, 31 years
The financial burden
“I never thought I would be the primary earner in my family, but circumstances led me to take on this role. It can be stressful to carry the weight of financial responsibilities, as it often feels like the success or failure of our family’s future rests on my shoulders. It is very burdensome at times, I can’t lie. I hardly think about getting myself something nice once in a while because first, I have to provide for the family.”
Tushar, 29 years
Putting dreams and aspirations behind
“Being the breadwinner comes with its fair share of sacrifices. I have had to put my own dreams and aspirations on hold at times to prioritize providing for my family. It can be emotionally and physically draining, but the joy of seeing my children thrive and the sense of security I can offer them outweighs any hardships I face.”
Yash, 39 years
The pressure of dealing with expectations.
“The pressure of being the primary provider can be overwhelming. It often feels like I have to constantly prove myself and meet high expectations. I suffer from anxiety at times thinking about how I can make it all right and wish I could go back in time and pursue what I really wanted to. But now, I am stuck making money for my family. It really gets to me sometimes.”
Ispita, 44 years
Balancing work and personal life
“As a breadwinner, I have learned to balance my career and family life. It can be challenging to find time for self-care and maintain a healthy work-life balance. However, I am proud to set an example for my children about the importance of hard work and perseverance. The sense of accomplishment and the ability to create opportunities for my family makes it all worthwhile.”
Harshit, 35 years

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