Last Updated: December 28, 2022, 13:00 IST
Adequate sleep with active lifestyle plays a vital role in one’s overall well-being and 8 hours sleep a day is essential to set this pattern right (Image: Shutterstock)
Adequate sleep with active lifestyle plays a vital role in one’s overall well-being and 8 hours sleep a day is essential to set this pattern right
Adequate sleep with active lifestyle plays a vital role in one’s overall well-being and 8 hours sleep a day is essential to set this pattern right, but many people find it difficult to stick to this schedule. There is a diverse range of contributing factors working behind this and not every person’s sleepless pattern is due to the same reason.
Dr. Sunil Singla, Director and HOD, Neurology, Sanar International Hospitals shares some factors which may disrupt our sleeping pattern:
Melatonin hormone balance: It is a hormone produced by our brain in response to darkness which manages our sleep-wake pattern. Irregular production of this hormone due to excessive light exposure during night time may even result in insomnia, anxiety and stress in severe conditions. In urban cities, extreme usage of smartphones and other gadgets during bedtime has almost become a common habit that affects the sleeping pattern. One should avoid usage of electronic gadgets before sleep time.
Stress and other mental health issues: Many times one may feel tired but find it really hard to fall asleep and experience uneasiness while trying to stay in one position. These are the symptoms of stress or early sign of mental health problems. Analyse and accept issues creating discomfort or stress and consult a mental health expert for a comprehensive solution to overcome this.
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Delayed sleep: Avoiding sleep itself is a problem that causes irregular or disturbed sleep. Hence, try to maintain a consistent sleeping schedule, so that our body can get attuned to it. Once in a while we may have an erratic schedule which may delay our normal sleeping timings but making it a habit can wreak havoc on our body.
Sleep apnea: Sleep apnea has today become one of the common health concerns. Especially people who snore while sleeping need to be more aware as many of them experience interrupted sleep. This is one of the many symptoms of sleep apnea which may have short or long term health consequences. Consult a medical specialist if symptoms prevail.
Dr Singla shares steps to set your sleeping pattern right:
• Try to decrease screen time especially at night.
• Your mattress should be comfortable to fall asleep on.
• Avoid taking beverages like coffee, alcohol or tea before bedtime.
• Avoid smoking and tobacco consumption.
• Be aware about your mental health and consult a specialist if need be.
• Try to maintain optimum level of darkness while sleeping.
• Maintain a work -life balance.
If symptoms persist then immediately seek consultation from a medical expert as none of the tips mentioned above is substitute of medical advice.
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