Actor and model Uorfi Javed, who often gets trolled online for her sense of clothing, has now apologised for hurting sentiments with her revealing outfits. She stated that people will see a changed Uorfi from now on. While some fans questioned the timing of her tweet, a day before April Fool’s Day, others were genuinely curious about what happened.
On Friday, Javed took to Twitter to share an apology note. “I apologise for hurting everyone’s sentiments by wearing what I wear. From now on, you guys will see a changed Uorfi. Changed clothes. Maafi (Sorry),” read the tweet.
I apologise for hurting everyone’s sentiments by wearing what I wear . From now on you guys will see a changed Uorfi . Changed clothes .
Maafi— Uorfi (@uorfi_) March 31, 2023
Fans responded with mixed reactions, with some encouraging her to stay liberated and others suspected it to be a prank. “You wear whatever you like, Uorfi. Stay Liberated,” wrote a user while another added, “Oh my God. No no, I appreciate your confidence level. Don’t change for others.” However, this one doubted her intentions and called it an April Fools prank. “April 1 is tomorrow, not today,” read a tweet. Shortly after Uorfi’s tweet, a clothing brand featured her in their advertisement, launching on April 1.
Javed received the Fashionista of the Year award at the OTTPlay ChangeMakers Awards 2023 on Sunday. She was last seen on MTV Splitsvilla (Season 14), a reality TV show.
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