Vipassana meditation is guided by five fundamental principles: Observation, no reaction, understanding, realization, and liberation from suffering.
The first principle, observation, asks you to simply observe your body’s sensations without any judgment or reaction to them. For example the numbness you feel but cannot shake off. Eventually, as you do not react to those sensations, they subside after a point. Vipassana makes you let them arise and then pass without any reaction or aversion to those sensations. Once you see that the sensation has passed without you reacting to it, you understand that these sensations, thoughts, and emotions are subject to change. The numbness in your legs goes away by itself after a point and you do not have to react or worry about it. And then slowly, as you practice this every day and normalise the daily sensations of your body you realise that there are no permanent sensations that will bother you or need your reaction. Once this realisation hits, you can lift yourself above the suffering.