HomeLife StyleReckless driving, no seatbelt: Ayesha Omar on injurious road accident  | The...

Reckless driving, no seatbelt: Ayesha Omar on injurious road accident  | The Express Tribune

Reliving the trauma of the horrific road accident eight years ago, which led to a broken collarbone, actor Ayesha Omar pointed fingers at the reckless driving of co-star Azfar Rehman’s driver, who was at the wheel, and also rued her own lack of responsibility for not wearing a seatbelt in an appearance on Life Green Hai

“The road was broken and Azfar’s driver was driving,” recalled the Karachi Se Lahore star, who has received media attention recently for being scheduled for corrective collarbone surgery eight years after the infamous accident. “I was telling him to slow down, but he didn’t listen, so I said nothing.”

Ayesha recalled how a truck veered into their lane without indicating to avoid a ditch, leading to the collision that snapped her collarbone. “I was sitting at the back, and I slammed into the back of the front seat,” she stated. Taking responsibility for her own lack of caution, Ayesha added, “I wasn’t wearing a seatbelt. That was my mistake. No one follows traffic rules. The truck didn’t indicate, the driver was too fast, and I didn’t wear a seatbelt, but I’ll tell you something. Ever since that day, whenever I am in a car, even if it is at 15km/h, I always wear a seatbelt now. I guess you learn from your mistakes.”

In preparation for her upcoming surgery, a journey that has taken the actor eight years after receiving multiple conflicting reports from doctors, Ayesha revealed she has cut her hair to make it more manageable during her recovery from surgery. Having worked through debilitating pain since living with a broken collarbone, with painkillers always on hand, the star commended her doctor and is welcoming the healing that is about to begin. Reflecting on the time it has taken for the surgery to take place, Ayesha remarked, “If I don’t get it done now, it will only get worse,” and urged her fans to remember her in their prayers.

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