HomeLife StyleForgive me for my silence: Bella Hadid on Palestine genocide | The...

Forgive me for my silence: Bella Hadid on Palestine genocide | The Express Tribune

Palestinian-American fashion icon Bella Hadid finally addressed her millions of followers in response to the intensifying Israeli atrocities against Palestinians. While her sister and fellow supermodel, Gigi Hadid, promptly acknowledged the latest wave of brutality unfolding in the region, both pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli audiences have been awaiting the celebrity’s comments.

Taking to Instagram, Bella posted a TikTok montage video showing worsening devastation in Gaza and the West Bank, followed by a long note explaining her stance on the matter. “Forgive me for my silence,” the model began, “I have yet to find the ideal words for this deeply intricate and horrific past two weeks, weeks that have turned the world’s attention back towards a situation that has been taking innocent lives and affecting families for decades. I have much to say, but for today, I will keep it short.”

Bella also confirmed recent reports of having received “daily” death threats after she and her family’s phone numbers got leaked due to their half-Palestinian heritage and criticism of Israel. Sources close to the family also reported that Mohamed Hadid, Bella’s father, was considering involving the FBI to trace the perpetrators behind the threats. Sharing how these events made her family fear for their safety, the half-Palestinian celebrity asserted that she “cannot be silenced any longer” and that “fear is not an option”.

“The people and children of Palestine, especially in Gaza, cannot afford our silence. We are not brave – they are. My heart is bleeding with pain from the trauma I am seeing unfold, as well as the generational trauma of my Palestinian blood, “ she added. “Seeing the aftermath of the airstrikes in Gaza, I mourn with all the mothers who have lost children and the children who cry alone, all the lost fathers, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunties, friends that will never again walk this earth.”

Expressing her condolences for the loss of Israeli lives in October 7 Hamas attacks, she stated, “Regardless of the history of the land, I condemn the terrorist attacks on any civilians, anywhere. Harming women and children and inflicting terror does not and should not do any good for the Free Palestine movement. I believe deep in my heart, that no child, no people anywhere, should be taken away from their family either temporarily or indefinitely. That goes for Israeli and Palestinian people alike.”

However, the model was adamant about putting out a forthright statement underlining the long history of Palestinians under Israeli Occupation. “It’s important to understand the hardship of what it is to be Palestinian, in a world that sees us as nothing more than terrorists resisting peace. It is harmful, it is shameful, and it’s categorically untrue.”

“My father was born in Nazareth in the year of the Nakba (the displacement of 750,000 Palestinians in 1948),” Bella said about her father, Mohamed, a luxury real-estate developer in the US. “Nine days after he was born, he, in his mother’s arms, along with his family were expelled from their home of Palestine, becoming refugees, away from a place they once called home, my grandparents never being allowed to return. My family witnessed 75 years of violence against Palestinian people,” she continued.

Mohamed is only one of millions displaced by Israeli settler invasions and forced into exile. As more people are utilizing their social platforms to battle disinformation and increase awareness, Palestinians online are urging that supporters learn the long history of their struggle, spanning generations resisting Israeli settlements.

Advocating for compassion, Bella insisted, “All religions are peace – it is governments that are corrupt, and intertwining the two makes for the greatest sin of all” and implored everyone to “pressure” leaders to address the aggravating humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

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